Being able to manufacture high-quality products efficiently and flexibly requires a lot of exchange of data. The growing number of laws and regulations also add to the need for information.

What needs to be produced and when (Production Scheduling)? How should a product be manufactured (Product Definition Management)? What has been produced and when? How much material and energy were used? (Data Collection Acquisition)? Which raw materials were used to produce which products? (Product Tracking & Genealogy)? What is the quality of the product (Quality Assurance)? Are there any maintenance needs? (Maintenance Management)?

Manufacturing Execution Systems (the term Manufacturing Operations Management is used more and more) computerise these information flows and thus significantly contribute to optimisation of the production processes.


Batenburg Beenen provides clients with custom-made and standard MES/MOM solutions. When integrating the MES/MOM and ERP systems we apply the ISA95, international standard for the integration of office and production automation.

Product highlights

  • Managing your production process
  • Historian
  • ISA95

Mercator NX

Mercator NX supports the packing industry in registering, packing, identifying, storing and tracing the final products.



Besides the basic modules ERP Connect (link to ERP systems), Shopfloor Connect (control of packaging lines with accompanying hardware such as scales, scanners, printers, path controls, stacking robots, etc.) and Backoffice basic (management and presentation of data), Mercator NX consists of the following modules:

Mercator CP (Coding Packaging)

Prevents coding mistakes and makes sure that products are accompanied by the labels and information in accordance with the wishes and demands of the customer.

Mercator T&T (Tracking & Tracing)

The law requires all foodstuffs to be traceable in all stages of production, packaging and distribution. Mercator T&T offers search and report functions on registered data in Mercator NX to process, for example, recalls.

Mercator WMS (Warehouse Management System)

Registers movement of goods in your warehouses for raw materials, semi-finished products and end products.


Mercurius is a MES solution for the solid bulk production industry.

Mercurius bridges the gap between your production floor and the ERP system by registering, managing and improving the flow of information.

Mercurius furthermore takes care of the prescription management, batch completion, production registration, planning, location/article management, tracking & tracing and reports.

The weighbridge is usually the starting and finishing point of the production chain. Mercurius registers the incoming and outgoing flow of goods. If necessary, Mercurius also manages admission control, including traffic lights and boom barriers.

Mercurius comprises the following modules:

Intake Manager

Organises and manages the physical intake of raw materials and checks the distribution to the desired factory location.

Dosing/Grinding/Mixing Line Manager

Responsible for dosing and processing of raw materials, minerals and liquids based on the recipe and processes these into semi-finished or end products.

Pelleting Manager

Operates all transports from the granulated feed meal locations to the desired destinations.

Outloading Manager

Controls all transports from the finished product location to the loading docks. Both for conventional and bulk robot loading.

Efficient production :
