''Batenburg Magion transforms your data into knowledge.''
More information?
Peter van Logchem
Manager Production Intelligence & Optimization

Your assets generate large amounts of (process and production) data. In the era of Big Data, Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing, these data become more and more relevant. Batenburg Magion has the expertise to provide you with a solid consult regarding the storage of these data, to ensure availability in a quick and efficient way for analysis and visualization purposes. Next to this, we also provide services for the implementation and maintenance (support) of these systems.

Process data contains a wealth of valuable knowledge for your organization. Extracting useful information from the huge amounts of data is no easy task. Batenburg Magion provides solutions which help to provide insight into important performance indicators (KPI’s), such as asset health, Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), energy management and (CO2) emission. Furthermore we assist in the optimization of your production process by means of alarm reduction and/or improving the performance of your control loops (loop tuning).

Stored process and production data can only be beneficial if they can be presented in a clear and unambiguous way. Batenburg Magion provides solutions for this that fit your needs. Examples of this are (web-based) reports and dashboards, mobile-apps and augmented reality.

Maintenance and Support
Of course you want to store your data an information in a safe and reliable way and their availability should be on a continuous basis. Next to consultancy services and solutions, Batenburg Magion offers Service Level Agreements (SLA’s) to provide support for historian systems and applications.