Process data contains a wealth of valuable knowledge for your organization. Extracting useful information from the huge amounts of data is no easy task. Batenburg Magion provides solutions which help to provide insight into important performance indicators (KPI’s), such as asset health, Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), energy management and (CO2) emission.  Furthermore we assist in the optimization of your production process by means of alarm reduction and/or improving the performance of your control loops (loop tuning).

More information?

Peter van Logchem
Manager Production Intelligence & Optimization



Batenburg Magion offers a solution, in which we make determining the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) insightful. Using the OEE in the further optimization of your production process is important when adopting strategies such as ‘Total Productive maintenance,’ ‘Lean Manufacturing,’ ‘WCOM,’ and ‘Six Sigma.’ These strategies aim to optimize the availability of production installations, machines and other equipment.

Emission Monitoring
Asset Health

Asset Health

It is possible to determine the state of your production process by monitoring certain process indicators and parameters. This indicates if your production process is still operating within its operating envelope. If this is not the case, this can be an indicator for the need of preventive maintenance. Our application can be expanded further into the realm of predictive maintenance. In both cases, we offer the possibility for integration with systems such as Maximo and SAP.

Decision support
Alarm Management

Alarm Management

Relevant information for process operators, without a surplus of alarm notifications. Our practical approach (based upon the ISA 18.2 norm) leads quickly to results for new systems as well as existing situations. This will ensure that the process operator has more time to do his actual task: to run the production process as efficient and optimal as possible. 

Advanced Process Control