BP Refinery Rotterdam

Customer inquiry

  • Starting from 1-1-2019 there is a need for a new Emission Registration System (ERS), based on Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS).
  • The new system will have to be certified according to normative reference EN 17255-1
    “Stationary source Emissions — Data acquisition and handling systems”.

More information?



  • As a result of new Environmental Permit
    for the refinery extra requirements are
    being demanded related to measuring
    and reporting emissions.
  • The existing system was no longer fit for
    purpose with respect to the new permit.
    Also calculations were failing, every month
    resulting in a lot of manual rework and
    corrections, which took up a lot of time.
  • This system was based on Microsoft Excel
    and Visual Basic Scripts and was therefore
    hardly auditable and difficult to maintain.


  • A new ERS system was developed using OSIsoft PI-AF and Asset Analytics are
    used to execute all calculations and perform recalculations in case of corrections
    or manual input.
  • The MAGION Application framework was used to create a web application
    which shows monthly and yearly emission reports and which enables the user to
    enter manual input values and corrections according to a predefined workflow

Project results

The new measurements and permit requirements are implemented in the new ERS system, ensuring
the continuation of the license-to-operate.

Users have access to the information and functionality using browser technology from anywhere within the secured network environment, there is no longer need for local documents. Manual input values and corrections are used in automatic recalculation. Results are sent to the DCS every minute for display purposes, allowing operations optimization within the boundaries of the permit.


Customer Quote

"The go-live of the ERS system at BP Refinery Rotterdam has delivered real time visibility of our emissions bubble directly to the operator consoles.

This gives significant advantages to the operators who can now make decisions based on live feedback from the plant."