JB Systems graduates demonstrate their Smart Factory

We congratulate Christian Trouwborst and Martijn Jansen on their graduation and good results. They have demonstrated what a ‘Smart Factory’ is and how the Microsoft Hololens can be used to extend SCADA with interesting new possibilities.

Christian’s focus was on the Smart Factory and how it applies robotics, modular design principles and big data in order to make manufacturing as flexible and efficient as possible. The ultimate goal of a Smart Factory is to deliver a single fully customizable item for the same cost as a mass produced item. Martijn applied augmented reality to go beyond the normal SCADA interface.

QR codes are used to trigger the appearance of contextual information such as process information, manuals, schematics, 3d models and videos. Virtual control elements allow you to change process parameters on the spot.

Batenburg JB Systems is always looking for motivated students that want to participate in one of our many research projects: https://werkenbijbatenburg.nl/vacature/hbo-stage-afstuderen-jb-systems/www.jbsystems.nl/vacatures/afstuderen-stage-jb-systems/


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