What does NIS2 mean for you?

In October 2024, the European Network & Information Security Directive (NIS2) will come into force: a directive aimed at improving the digital resilience of European member states. For many organisations, this directive could be quite far-reaching. What does it mean for your company or institution? We answer the three most important questions.

More information?

How do you know if your company is covered by NIS2?

NIS2 distinguishes between two types of organisations: essential and important. For the first category, think of sectors such as energy, transport, banking, financial market infrastructure, healthcare, drinking water, wastewater, digital infrastructure, ICT service management, public administration and space.

There is also the 'important' category. This includes organisations working in food production, digital providers, postal and courier services, production of medicines and chemicals and research organisations.

More specific information on the sectors and companies that need to comply with the NS2 directive can be found at the Ministry of Justice and Security's National Cyber Security Centre. Read more

What action should you take to comply with this directive?

You can leave that to the experts at Batenburg Industrial Automation. We map your company's situation and can then take targeted action on things that need to be improved or changed.

With practical advice and an action plan tailored to your daily operations, we ensure that your company complies with NIS2 and the latest safety standards. This is not only good for your company's processes, but also for the safe running of society.

Want to know more about NIS2? Then get in touch with us!

About Batenburg Techniek

Batenburg Techniek helps design and implement data intelligence for process automation and process computerization. We do this for various industries. We are happy to share our expertise in everything that has to do with complex industrial processes in which automation plays an important role. Thanks to our technical knowledge of automating, securing and making production processes more efficient, we contribute to a sustainable, innovative and future-proof process industry.
